Industrial safety supplies often need to be delivered to some remote places, but few more so than in a project to build a new bridge in the Outer Hebrides.
The RHA has called for the UK Government to display coordinated leadership by producing a national decarbonisation roadmap that will take account of the needs of both the users and the environment.
Hauliers have been further incentivised to hire apprentices, as employers are now set to receive a £3000 grant for any new apprentices that join them from the start of April to the end of September.
Rural police forces have aired concerns about debris on the roads, heavy machinery insecurely loaded, and careless driving during a busy period for farmers and contractors.
Logistics UK has warned that the logjam caused by a stranded cargo vessel in the Suez Canal could have a global impact on supply chains for weeks to come.
Birmingham has undergone a number of major building projects in recent years, but the latest one has been projected to break new ground by creating the world’s first carbon-neutral skyscraper.