The Roundsling compresses in use to provide a secure grip on the load, desirable when lifting polished, greasy or cylindrical loads.
High Strength to Weight Ratio
Wide choice of lifting modes
Lifts smooth objects without damage
Anti-cut and anti-abrasion protection available
Postioned correctly the sling wears evenly along its life
Manufactured and labelled in accordance with BS EN1492-2:2000
Standard Safety Factor 7:1
Wide usable temperature range -40° C to +180° C
Standard stock sizes shown, other sizes and formats manufactured to order
Capacity (Kg)- 8000
Straight Lift – 8000
1. Choose the working (safe) load limit (WLL) that you require taking into consideration the lifting method to be used
2. Select the length you require (in increments of 1.0m) roundslings are measured in circumference (L2) or effective working length EWL (L1) . The EWL is the length of the sling when laid flat
OPTIONAL WEAR SLEEVES – see illustrations
Wear sleeves available as an optional extra, fitted as double part sleeving enclosing 2 sections of the roundsling or single part sleeving where the sleeves can slide around the circumference of the roundsling. Please specify the format and length required when ordering.