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New product ranges available from 70gsm up to 560gsm Tarpaulins in a variety of colours - Debris Netting, Scaffold Sheeting & much more!!!
New product ranges available from 70gsm up to 560gsm Tarpaulins in a variety of colours - Debris Netting, Scaffold Sheeting & much more!!!

Hooray For Hauliers Campaign Launched To Celebrate Key Workers

An advertising hoarding campaign has been launched that highlights the hard work and vital role key worker drivers have played in keeping the United Kingdom moving over the last challenging year.

Pallet-Track, a logistics firm launched the ‘Hooray For Hauliers’ campaign, which proudly displays the slogan on the liveries of all member vehicles and haulage equipment, as well as a high profile campaign at the intersection of the M6 and M5 motorways.

Drivers and hauliers deserve to be celebrated, and the advertising hoarding alone at Junction 6 of the M6 is expected to be seen by nearly 3m motorists.

The director of the campaign, Pallet-Track founder Nigel Parks, described the campaign as similar to the very popular “Clap For Carers” campaign which celebrated the work of health and social care key workers.

Haulage has played a huge role over the last 12 months at all levels, from final mile couriers to long-distance transnational drivers who have navigated a completely new customs system in the past three months.

The effects of the pandemic have also affected many services that hauliers have relied on, such as rest facilities and secure parking, and the Hooray For Hauliers campaign aims to raise awareness for these issues and help improve them.

As well as this the campaign hopes to raise the profile of long-distance drivers and raise awareness of the hard work they do and encourage people to help reduce the skills shortage in the industry.

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