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New product ranges available from 70gsm up to 560gsm Tarpaulins in a variety of colours - Debris Netting, Scaffold Sheeting & much more!!!
New product ranges available from 70gsm up to 560gsm Tarpaulins in a variety of colours - Debris Netting, Scaffold Sheeting & much more!!!


If you are transporting loads on UK highways, it is important to be aware of the best practice for safety. The rules and recommendations were updated by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) in November 2020, so it’s worth taking a look at their website for more in depth guidance.  Here’s some basic tips.


1. Make sure your vehicle is fit for purpose. The vehicle must be roadworthy and of appropriate size and build for the load you are carrying. Consider axle weights and overall vehicle stability. If you are not sure what load securing system to use, seek advice from a specialist company or trade body.

2. Load the vehicle properly. Stack the load against the headboard, keeping the centre of gravity as low as possible. If the load is not against the headboard, or the load contains insecure items, then you may require ratchet straps, lashings or chocks.

3. Choose the right securing method. The load restraint system must secure the load to the vehicle chassis, and hold it firmly in place. If the load can move about, it is a danger to operators and other road users. Webbing straps or chains can be used to secure loads, but may not be appropriate for fragile loads or livestock.

4. Use adequate load restraint. Remember that a moving load will require more force to hold it in place than a static load.  It is easy to underestimate the force needed when the load is stationary. Ratchet straps and lashings are available in different strengths and sizes.

5. Share information with all concerned. Even minor incidents and near misses should be reported, as these can be indicators of a problem which causes a more serious situation in the future. Make sure the drivers know the type of load they are carrying, how to unload it, and what to do if the load becomes insecure or shifts.

If you are looking for 10 tonne rachet straps, contact Jackson Handling today.

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